We need to keep alive the part of history that the Republicans want to bury.
Last edited Mon Nov 18, 2024, 09:41 AM - Edit history (1)
So, there are some aspects of history that the Right find uncomfortable. One of those topics involves how this country marginalized, (and that word hardly overs it) minority groups. Their main target is anything that is woke. So, we need a publisher who can provide books, even comic books, that children will actually read. And one of those stories should include the following:
The Democratic party originally consisted of the deep south, that yes, favored slavery. In 1948, there was a major split in the party when a faction moved to extend Civil Rights. At this point, there was a defining line drawn between those who distinctly opposed measures that were moving towards equality, and those who were not (i.e. the Dixiecrats) , but it wasn't until the Civil Rights Act where a clear distinction was made. As a counter to the Civil Rights Act, the Republican party began to sift votes from the Democratic party using the Southern Strategy, where they intentionally went after the White Southern vote by using racist tropes.
Sometime in the late 20 teens, the demographics in this country changed and minorities outnumbered white Anglo Americans. But, it wasn't until the BLM protests that things began to change and improve for minorities.
Also, the interesting thing about history, is that at some point, the history of the racist southern vote shifted to the Republican party. They now own their ugly past.
What this will do is stop the besmirching of the Democratic Party with a perpetual accusation that it is still composed of Dixiecratic types. That fine distinction now belongs to the Republican party. And in the end, it was massive protests in the streets that changed the way the police interact with Black Americans, and thanks to them, their efforts extended to all minorities.