General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsAs a Canadian I am so disgusted by Trump. Our PM has announced a breakup with the USA.
Fuckhead did it in less than 2 months. To my American friends on DU, this connection I feel for you is as strong as ever. This is so fucking unbelievable. I cannot imagine living under this incompetent piece of shit, and I feel a great sadness for you guys.

Tree Lady
(12,315 posts)and feel sick our president is threatening your country. My husband said if we ever went to war he would fight with the canadians.
I have two friends that married Canadians and have lived there 45 years now, one became a citizen. We take most our vacations there.
(4,145 posts)I am stricken and grieving on what some of us Americans are willing to give up when so many countries like Canada have stuck with us through world wars and so much else only for the whole deep and wide relationship to be sullied by the likes of Trump. I believe in owning ones responsibilities and as such, I am an American, and I am deeply deeply sorry!!! I hope you can forgive us individually but I fully embrace and indeed hope and welcome you will spurn anything American while still tolerating those of us who may cross your borders for a bit of respite from the insanity. Steady on!
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,632 posts)dweller
(26,150 posts)We may all have to escape one day
can you put us up for a week or two ?
(35,790 posts)What a gobsmacking thing to hear this today.
(21,545 posts)When Id see them again. Im in some kind of mourning for my country as we are making enemies of our neighbors, snatching people off the street and sending them away to who knows where. Ive often asked myself how the people in Germany felt watching their country cease to exist and here I am in their nightmare. Now, our nightmare. Ill be watching for you and our other Canadian friends posts 🍁
(8,121 posts)It sickens me to see this happening and to see people here going along with it. It really is a crazy cult.
We are Canadian also, duel citizens. I was born there and my father was Canadian, my mom was Scottish. We had planned to return one day, I wish we had done that years ago as my father would still be alive. It's going to happen sooner with all of this I am sure.
Please let other Canadians know that a large part of us do not agree with this at all. 😁🇨🇦🍁
(70,951 posts)Swede
(35,790 posts)He's definitely not getting a majority government.
(309,049 posts)I appreciate your empathy!
(3,159 posts)This is so heartbreaking and unnecessary.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,632 posts)bdamomma
(67,810 posts)Canada do not deserve this. We got a very sick psychopath among other mental health issues, who wants to strike out at our allies. As in history, these tyrants and dictators have horrible endings.
We will support you all Canada.
(3,256 posts)It's got to be like living in the apartment of your dreams, only to have a meth lab open downstairs.
(19,599 posts)He had a rather interesting relationship with Trump.
Justice matters.
(8,195 posts)His time was up, as he also made a few mistakes along the way (which is not unusual for most Canadian leaders).
PM Carney will be the right successor for these troubled times (he has my vote for my county's Liberal MP).
(12,275 posts)I fully agree. We receive a lot of support from DUers and it is so appreciated. We will get through and come out stronger, we have options. I am not sure what is ahead for you guys. We can only hope for the best but right now I feel more helpless for your future than ours. We stand strong with you and hope you will come up and visit us.
Response to Swede (Original post)
ClarencesBrother This message was self-deleted by its author.
(16 posts)The Canada/US relationship goes beyond, dare I say this, the bonds of a marriage deep as that marriage can seem. So often each of us has worn our hearts on our sleeve, pledged deep and unparalleled allegiance to defend one another to the bone, shared science, arts, our best people from both sides of the border, industry, agriculture and yes even literal marriage between our 2 countries, the same language, sort of 😊and while we are the same, we are both unique.
Recent events have created something I never thought Id see, yes America always tried to play older brother to us and we Canadians smiled inward knowing that younger brothers often shine brighter. Younger brothers have been known to stand up to the older dominant brother, I think what were seeing now is younger brother is no longer acquiescing to older brother. Enough is enough.
My wife and I have travelled in the US countless times and while met with the occasional indifference our take on the average American citizen has left us with many fond memories. Our current beef isnt with the regular citizen, trust me when I say this. But I will also say with absolute affirmation that the trust between us has been broken to the extent that I think even my young grandsons will be wary of you. This is not to bash you the people this is to bash the leaders you the people chose to elect. Now Canadians, Americans and the rest of the world have to live with it, and not just the remainder of 4 years but far beyond it.
Maru Kitteh
(29,862 posts)Like this cant be happening. I dont want to get trapped here if it all falls completely apart. And it is.
(44,331 posts)
(3,605 posts)Keep the strength and DO NOT buy anything America!! This Molson is for you!!
(777 posts)And I mean "we" as in NATO. We are at war. This is not a drill. It is not a theory. We are at war. With Russia.
They have taken over and are actively destroying our federal government in mind, body, and soul, and attacking ALL of our allies through those positions.
We are at war.
Enter stage left
(3,991 posts)I love our Canadian Friends and I'm at a loss of words to describe how I feel about this country now.
So sorry...
(16 posts)feeling bad and sorry, thats what THEY WANT. Get up and stand and tell THEM youre sick and tired of this and remember, only you can prevent this fucking forest fire. Smokey is counting on YOU!!
Enter stage left
(3,991 posts)I'd do better discussing the stupidity of this administration with what I'm going to flush down the toilet, than talking to them!
But, please keep giving me advice.
(16 posts)discussing this with like minded individuals and gathering some traction, you cant be the only one in South Dakota wh feels this way. Sometime it takes a bit of motivation and the ability to get off the couch rather than feeling defeated, ok no more advice, ruffled feathers are hard to get back in place. I also appreciate thats its difficult and also offensive to be called out by someone from another country wed often feel the same.
Enter stage left
(3,991 posts)There are just about the same number of like minded individuals as us in SD, just like there are that many black folks in Idaho.
You have to remember, this is the state that re-elected Kristi Noem as governor and John Thune (current senate majority leader) as senator. If the majority of this state are that fucking stupid...
It ain't going to make a difference.
(842 posts)in 4 years...or more, if/when they game the system as fascists are known to do.
(1,242 posts)It's our only hope, short of an armed revolution.
That's why chump continues to fuck with voting laws.
He knows he is toast after November 2026.
His base is pissed. Orange County, Ca. just lost millions for coastal preservation.
(85,586 posts)Were pretty sad to see this, too.
I cant remember ever seeing, hearing, or reading the Canada and the U.S. werent close friends.
Well, as the old Chad & Jeremy song says:
that was yesterday. And yesterdays gone.
(1,395 posts)we love you and we will be back and we will continue our relationship.
(162,906 posts)I really, really hope they do
(769 posts)To Canada.
(35,447 posts)HeartsCanHope
(916 posts)We love you, our Canadian brothers and sisters, right back! Your country has to protect its citizens, and your PM is doing the right thing. Trump is threatening your country. You must stand against him. Just don't give up on us. We will be back. Please give us another chance when our government is sane again. Our dear friend, thank you for all the kindness you and your fellow Canadians have done for us. Stay safe, and be well.
(4 posts)Sending so much LOVE for our neighbors!!!!
Justice matters.
(8,195 posts)I feel for our DU friends and all the Democratic voters who did not want this daily horror to ever take form and destroy a strong relationship between neighboring countries that lasted over a century. I also hope PM Mark Carney will win this general election with a clear majority, and I believe my county's Liberal candidate will win her seat so I can contact her to suggest new special immigration policies for our American Democratic friends who would prefer to live in a country that respects Human Rights with a Universal Healthcare system to begin with, along with other common sense policies for working families.
(62,647 posts)mahina
(19,610 posts)Tears and love. May this darkness pass soon.
(69,487 posts)The PM did what he had to. How else is he supposed to respond to such unprovoked dickshittery?
The U.S.-Canadian relationship was once a thing to be incredibly proud of. The longest unfortified border in the world. What a testament to international friendship, accord, and cooperation.
And Trump ruined it all. The way he ruined casinos, and air travel, and vodka, and steaks, and the NYC skyline, and every-goddamned-fucking-thing else
I love Canada. I hope someday, a conscientious American public servant can repair what was once thought unbreakable.
(65,983 posts)I would never have imagined that the U.S. would turn on Canada.
It only makes sense if we see that the purpose of everything Trump is doing is designed to destroy the U.S. and weaken our allies.
(55,148 posts)I can only hope the midterms can turn things around and bring back some sanity but I am not holding my breath given trump has been elected twice now. I live in Alberta, known as Texas North, the one that the Cons can count on to vote overwhelmingly for them and which has a Premier that would sell out Canada in a heartbeat if she could.
Love your OP and feel as you do.
(31,728 posts)Sky Jewels
(8,970 posts)We love you, Canada, and we thank all Canadians who are boycotting US goods. Fuck Trump, Fuck Fascism.
(2,032 posts)Sending heart felt apologies to all our neighbors, North and South.
(11,418 posts)Going to Vancouver in June, and probably Victoria in the fall. My BC fix.
(562 posts)infect your Country. I now there is some of it there. Protect your media from being taken over by religious and corporate fascists who will spread the virus and destroy your country from within. It happened here. Be vigilant because it takes over sneakily. It happened over decades here.
North Coast Lawyer
(70 posts)Canada has every right to be upset. America has betrayed her best friend. That's pretty much unforgivable.
(3,014 posts)I just hope he chokes on a big mac and dies from his own stupidity, or no one around him knows how to do the heimlich maneuver and he kicks the bucket that way.
Captain Zero
(7,776 posts)Our disgust is equal orders of magnitude with yours.
(103 posts)Id move there in a minute.
(37,617 posts)SuzyandPuffpuff
(76 posts)Yup...fetid decomposing... festering pus filled hate filled hateful necrotic moist piece of infected anal tissue diaper packing illiterate... aren't we proud
(76 posts)Yup...fetid decomposing... festering pus filled hate filled hateful necrotic moist piece of infected anal tissue diaper packing illiterate... aren't we proud
the nelm
(43 posts)dawn5651
(696 posts)most likely dealt with pieces of excrement like krasnov. even if krasnov backs down on all the tariffs and calling us the 51st state i don't believe we can ever trust the united states until krasnov is kicked to the curb.
(177,433 posts)I have roots in Canada in the form of a French-Canadian great grandmother. I don't know if she was born in Canada or here in Illinois, but her family had lived in Quebec Province since the early 1700s.
I put a glass maple leaf on my Christmas tree every year in her honor.
(27 posts)get it on the give & take between Trump and Carney. On the call today the public posturing was put aside for a true negotiation, not confrontation. When the gloves were off during the call that you and I were not privy to, both leaders were busy making a mutually- acceptable arrangement that would be detailed on and after April 2.
Neither country wants a big tiff over trade and a deal whatever it looks like will turn out better than the pessimists and ratings-hungry pundits are crying about.
When the cameras are off Trumps not the senile dotard he likes to play, and Carney is no rabid all-or-nothing gambler with his countrys fate in the balance. Hes smooth and has more cards to play at this stage than Trumpy.
I think, Swede, you should watch what they do not what they spew.
Blue Owl
(55,745 posts)Frankly I dont recognize this place anymore the felon has raped and abused my country beyond recognition.
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