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Vance accuses Denmark of underinvesting in Greenland as Trump presses for US takeover of the island (Associated Press)The pointed remarks came as Vance visited U.S. troops on Pituffik Space Base on the mineral-rich, strategically critical island.
Our message to Denmark is very simple: You have not done a good job by the people of Greenland, Vance said. You have underinvested in the people of Greenland, and you have underinvested in the security architecture of this incredible, beautiful landmass filled with incredible people. That has to change.
Vance said the U.S. has no option but to take a significant position to ensure the security of Greenland as he encouraged a push in Greenland for independence from Denmark.
Shady Vance rips a page out of the MF47's playbook. When visiting dignitaries do this nonsense, the host usually puts them on the next plane home.

(54,913 posts)birdographer
(2,882 posts)Granted, he is not stupider than donny, but he comes damn close. Hes like someone who has not spent much time with people and he just doesnt know how to behave, what to say. Equally embarrassing.
(65,592 posts)
(7,801 posts)Scrivener7
(54,913 posts)yorkster
(2,908 posts)Blues Heron
(6,663 posts)GoodRaisin
(10,036 posts)He went there to begin sewing discourse. Of course! Thats what the nazis always do!
(16,672 posts)Cirsium
(2,141 posts)Stitching together completely unrelated things to make a false narrative.
Alternately, one seamstress set against the other.
(1,404 posts)Cirsium
(2,141 posts)It's too dark in the sewer to do any sewing, isn't it?
(10,036 posts)
(29,908 posts)Might as well ask the tough questions now, rather than later.
Or am I the only old-timer who recalls a little conflict in a place called Viet Nam?
Prairie Gates
(4,642 posts)He's such a herb.
the nelm
(43 posts)I'll just add that herbs serve a very useful purpose - can I propose "he's such a weed?" (Of the extremely pernicious variety.)
Bo Zarts
(25,939 posts)
(61,051 posts)dweller
(26,150 posts)
And stfu!!!!
(8,121 posts)Cha
(309,049 posts)Holding the bag of Cheetos is a bit suss, but I'll give it a pass.
(5,542 posts)JD can stuff that propaganda BS up his poop shute. It's Team Trump that is not serving the people of THIS country. Why would people of Greenland want to be in the sinking ship with the US?
(65,592 posts)
(63,556 posts)SuzyandPuffpuff
(76 posts)How dare 47 insinuate his filth. He is a bully. He wants the entire planet to pay for the fact that he had a miserable life. Nobody liked him. Couldn't stand to b around him. Found him repugnant. And when he looks in the mirror he knows that he sees what we see. A ugly child who can't get past shitting his pants.
(26,281 posts)evil shit.
We all see right thru it. Well, anyone with a brain cell.
(59,391 posts)I bet if polled the Greenlanders would tell him to get lost.
(65,592 posts)
(3,286 posts)Blue Full Moon
(1,926 posts)The republicans have not done a good job. So which country gets to take over the USA.
(13,810 posts)which they have, sadly
(4,630 posts)THAT would be ironic.
Blue Full Moon
(1,926 posts)sop
(13,336 posts)I think you ultimately will partner with the Don. We could make you much more secure. We could do a lot more protection. And I think you'd fare a lot better economically as well.
These people are gangsters, nothing more.
(309,049 posts)

(5,765 posts)Meowmee
(8,121 posts)
Any news on their reception? We know the main reason psycho sent him along too was because Greenland said theyde ignore his stepford wife.
Sounds like Hitler talking about the Sudetenland
(5,473 posts)arrogance - all rolled into a small, cringeworthy humanoid.
(12,521 posts)angrychair
(10,425 posts)The people of Greenland obviously want to be free of all the awful things Denmark is doing to them.
The people of Greenland want to be treated like Americans:
1) Bankrupted by medical debt
2) The ability to be arrested right off the street and sent to a torture prison in another country despite no charges or a court order
3) to work three different jobs and still be homeless and drowning in debt and shamed for it and told it's your fault by some of the richest and most powerful people in Earth
4) a country where we force raped 12 yr olds to have their rapist's baby but also make it nearly impossible for that same child to get the medical and financial assistance she desperately needs
5) a country that has criminalized miscarriages.
6) a country that treats it's veterans as suckers and losers
7) a country that's shames Intelligence and makes bullies president
What's not to love.
(4,630 posts)I still don't understand why TF anyone would want to come to the US. Srsly.
(842 posts)everyone to "save" miniscule amounts of money while pretending to care about the deficit, and that ship sailed ages ago.
And the US sure as hell doesn't give a flying fuck about environmental standards or quality of life anymore, so why the fuck would anyone buy the shit he's selling?
(1,098 posts)relayerbob
(7,129 posts)As always, just making shit up as they go along, to justify whatever evil plot du jour they have in mind.
(7 posts)With any luck, Denmark will shut down the American base there as retaliation for forcing a visit that is intended to begin the invasion of Greenland. Its time other countries start to exercise their power to NOT allow US ships, planes or flyover to American requests any longer.
Evolve Dammit
(20,418 posts)twodogsbarking
(13,115 posts)OMGWTF
(4,630 posts)I am so embarrassed to be an American. It happens every time a Rethuglican is in the White House.
(12,251 posts)decades. Now military bases are not enough? Funny how they are blind to Putins Cuba threat eh?
(3,014 posts)I refuse to call him VP.
(103 posts)TheFarseer
(9,573 posts)What a waste!
(8,247 posts)
Bread and Circuses
(654 posts)
because well have Two Democratic Senators and One Congressperson.
My guess #47 wants to use it as a cashcow. But the catch is that the natural resources are buried deep underground.
Is he going to bomb it ?
(25,601 posts)*"Mind Your Own Damn Business!"--Gov. Tim Walz
(85,586 posts)Yeah. He wants to ensure the security of Greenland by swallowing it up, whole.
Im sure those who call Greenland home will just LUVLUVLUV that.
(1,329 posts)A million dollars if they vote to become part of the US. That's only a little more than he paid for Twitter. Since they said they're not enforcing the laws against bribing foreigners anymore.