Hobbs keeps promise - vetoes GOP election bill
Source: Arizona Capitol Times
Gov. Katie Hobbs delivered her promised veto Tuesday of a Republican bill to revamp the deadline to turn in early ballots.
But Hobbs, in her message to lawmakers, chose to focus her objections to HB2703 on a lesser-known provision of the measure, one that she said would undermine the system that allows people to get their ballots by mail without having to make annual requests.
And that change would affect far more Arizonans than the 265,000 who would lose their ability to drop off their early ballots on Election Day, which was the key provision in the now-vetoed bill.
Supporters argued that the practice slows up the process of getting faster election returns. Thats because early ballots submitted on Election Day cannot be counted until after the signatures are compared, something that cant occur until after the polls are closed.
Read more: https://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2025/02/18/hobbs-keeps-promise-vetoes-gop-election-bill/
There are many quality criticisms of the anti-voter measures of the bill in the article. It's worth reading.