Hate-crime victim to defendants: 'Why you crying now?'
When Kayla Norton broke down in court on Monday, Melissa Alford felt a twinge of sympathy.
Norton, the mother of three children younger than 9, was facing so much prison time that her children would be different people when their mother got out. That was not lost on Alford, who works as a children's mental health advocate.
But then Alford thought of the reasons Norton was in court: the convoy of pickup trucks with Confederate flags, the vile racist epithets, the loaded shotgun leveled on her friends and family, the threats to blow children's heads off. Norton had chosen to ride along on that convoy's racist tear across two counties. Alford's sympathy evaporated.
"When that gun was loaded, did you think about your children then?" Alford said in an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Tuesday. "So, why you crying now?"
Read more: http://www.statesman.com/news/crime--law/hate-crime-victim-defendants-why-you-crying-now/RdJZaCzi29hSDCeAfINcpN/?ref=cbTopWidget