Seniors In Illinois And Just Workers In General - If You're Pissed At SS Being Messed With In ....
the President's budget proposal - there is one thing you might want to do in order to take some action.
Call Senator Durbin's office 1-202-224-2152
Usually Sen. Durbin takes the President's side on things like this. I just called his office a little while ago and talked with one of his aides. I was told that he hasn't taken a position on this as of yet (yeah right!!!).
I indicated that SS is not an entitlement. As a worker I've paid into it all my life and don't like that it is being messed with and by a Democratic President at that - whom I supported both times he ran - with donations and votes. He promised that he wasn't going to touch SS and Medicare and is now going back on his promise.
I went on further to tell them that I can't vote for President Obama again as he's had his two terms - so my only alternative is to resort to talking with my Senators and Congressman.
I told Durbin's aide that I know that Durbin is up for re-election in 2014 and that if he supports the President and this Chained CPI idea - that I will not be voting for Sen. Durbin in 2014.
I urge all of you Illinois workers that have been working all your life and contributing to SS; those close to retirement and those Seniors currently retired and already collecting SS - to call Sen. Durbin's office and make the same threat.
This seems like the only thing any elected official responds to - and that is not getting re-elected.