WYDOT awarded grant for I-80 winter safety improvements between Laramie and Rawlins
Those who frequently travel on Interstate 80 are no strangers to winter road closures and unsafe conditions, but the Wyoming Department of Transportation is trying to improve on that. After winning a federal grant, WYDOT has enhancements planned for a 45-mile stretch of the interstate between Laramie and Rawlins, making the section safer for winter travel.
Keith Fulton, assistant chief engineer with WYDOT, said the main goal of the I-80 Winter Freight Improvement Project is to reduce those wintertime crashes as well as control the spacing and flow of traffic along the section of interstate.
The $20 million Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development grant from the Federal Highway Administration will be used to make truck passing lanes on the interstates uphill stretches, as well as install parking areas for travelers to wait out winter storms.
Fulton said the engineering team at WYDOT did an analysis as part of its master plan for I-80, examining sections across the state and determining what areas needed improvements.
Read more: https://www.laramieboomerang.com/news/local_news/wydot-awarded-grant-for-i--winter-safety-improvements-between/article_b69997d3-0e3d-5bfe-8cb0-d1915c38efda.html