Unsent texts in Messenger disappear before I send them
My friend who often touches something while she is typing has the problem, but it happens to me too. I am using a laptop. I am sick of writing a note, only to have it disappear before I have a chance to send it. Is there a setting on my laptop where I can lock Messenger until I'm ready to send a message? If a message disappears, is there some place in the limbo of my laptop memory it might be lurking?
I notice that in all texts I create online, such as something like this, the cursor will some from where I'm typing to some other place in the text. I don't stare at the screen and touch type, so it is easy to miss the thing acting up. I get to the point that I will copy and paste my text into a word processor, so if I lose it, I have a copy, then delete if I don't need it.
I'm thinking of some way to lock my text screen, until I'm done. I did a Google search, and they have all kinds of help on texts that were send, then disappeared, not what I'm looking for. Ifthere isn't a tech fix for this problem, what am I touching that causes a whole text to poof?
Any help is gratefully appreciated. Thank you!