Ever have church related dreams?
I've had a few odd church related dreams from time to time. For example;
When I was still Catholic about ten years ago I had a dream where I had to light candles along the ends of each of the pews in the parish I attended - I was a member of the Cathedral parish and that would've been a tall order. Add to that it was few minutes before Mass and someone kept blowing the candles out.
More recently I had a dream where I was supposed to serve at a really important Mass at the Catholic parish I was a member of (I left for the Episcopal church three years ago). Anyways I could not find a clean alb anywhere in the church. The Mass started and I finally found a clean alb so I was able to join the celebrant, Bishop, etc at the Altar after they processed up.
I'm not really complaining - they weren't too bad compared to some of the work related dreams I've had. I'm just wondering if any of you had any thoughts on what these church related dreams mean, or if any of you had odd church dreams that you'd care to share?