The Milky Way sparkles like fireworks in this desert view of our galaxy (photo)
By Miguel Claro published 1 day ago
It's full of stars.
A panoramic image of single shots taken in a pristine magical sky, features the arch of Milky Way shining bright above Lut desert, in Kerman, Iran, few minutes before the nautical twilight starts. (Image credit: Miguel Claro)
Miguel Claro is a professional photographer, author and science communicator based in Lisbon, Portugal, who creates spectacular images of the night sky. As a European Southern Observatory Photo Ambassador and member of The World At Night and the official astrophotographer of the Dark Sky Alqueva Reserve, he specializes in astronomical "Skyscapes" that connect both Earth and the night sky.
Join Miguel here as he takes us through his new image, "Zodiacal Light with Mars and Jupiter in the Pristine Sky of Lut Desert in Iran."
This is a panoramic image of single shots taken in a pristine magical sky.
The image features the arch of Milky Way shining bright above the Lut (Dasht-e Lut) desert, in Kerman, Iran, a few minutes before the nautical twilight starts and the stars become highly visible in the sky.