Spoke to our Dem daughter and son-in-law. They are both informed. She said shes spoken to her kids and said theres nothing we can do right now except in our small circle and sphere of influence. My husband spoke to his brother who is not tuned in to politics, but is a Dem. He wanted to know about who that rich guy is. He didnt know Medicaid, which his oldest relies on, was threatened. He said he was upset, but what could we do about it.
Pardon me, but there ARE things that can be done! Of course Im know we control none of our branches of government! However, we can peacefully demonstrate. We can deny the corporations our support. We can urge our elected officials to hold press conferences and town halls. We can ask them to invite big Dem names like Obama and either/both Clintons. God dammit! This is our democracy. We MUST stop saying theres nothing we can do. We must find ways to act. We must be the change we seek and, apparently we need to inspire our leaders rather than wait to be inspired by them.