**On Edit** (Solved?) - how to burn Adobe Cloud file to CD R? - (calling "Dude Lebowski"?) [View all]
New to Adobe subscription, Support was off for the weekend, works M-F 24 hrs, fine, so waited. Previous issues of how-to make changes have been sort of resolved (Saved to Cloud) now ready to Burn to disc.
I was expecting superior tech knowledge from Adobe, so was surprised when the tech said he had no idea how to burn a disc, had done it sometime long ago. He took Remote and was able to copy the file to the desktop (the Cloud version with changes is still there tyvm) for me to drag it to wherever the Burning happens. He said 3-4 times that he didn't know how to burn. I asked who I was supposed to ask. He said, "Microsoft."
So went to Windows Media Player and found a window about burning to Drive E (but called DVD). The message said "files ready to be burned" and listed the Cloud name, nothing saying to PROCEED with the burning.
*******Did a Search in Windows and got a forum for something like this but didn't solve it. ******Funny part, there was one answer from "Dude Lebowski" ------is this our DUer who posts here and has helped me a couple of times?!1
Anyway. As far as I know, my changes are safely in the Adobe Cloud. So, how do I burn to the E drive and why is it called DVD instead of CD, and when I was in that window it said it was an audio file (not a documents file). As usual, thanks. Maybe LEBOWSKI will fix things.
**********ON EDIT: o.k., the burning seems to have worked - via "Manage/Tools" in the Ready-to-burn window.